Chesapeake Area Metalworking Society

Review of 28 September 99 Meeting
Mason District Governmental Center 
6507 Columbia Pike 
Falls Church, VA

This month's group photo below. Twenty two people made it to this meeting, some early, some late.



The meeting started a little late, around 8 PM. The planned program was on gear repair, but Terry Elder was not able to make it to the meeting. Instead we spent a lot of time talking about organization and legal matters as they might relate to the club, and then had several members present short ideas.


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Dave Welser lead much of the discussion on incorporation and other club organization matters. Mostly what we accomplished was to find out how frightend everyone was of complications and extra work involved with being a corporation. We ended up with promises to investigate simpler methods of becoming an official organization. Stan Stoker and Bill Lewis mentioned finding out more about operating as an organization, but without becoming a corporation.


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We had two guests from PATINA (the Potomac Antique Tool and Industries Association). On the left is Sam Pickens and on the right is Roy Schaffer. These gentlemen, who have been part of the backbone of PATINA for years, gave us some insight into what it takes to have a successful club. Not suprisingly it involves a lot of work and finding people who are willing to do that work.

Discussion also included possible field trips to a Smithsonian restoration facility and a tour of the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Future meeting ideas included video presentations, for which Bob Vogel offered to loan tapes and Bill Lewis offered to bring video equipment.

Since there was no formal program, we then proceeded to have members present short ideas or project examples.


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Fred Schirrmacher shows us his ideas for using a flexable scale in place of engraved lines for the setting marks on a dividing head or rotary table.


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Don Nichols shows us a gear from his Clausing lathe, which had a chipped tooth, that he brought for the planned gear repair discussion.


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Chris Helgesen brought in several brands of aftermarket bandsaw blade guides and discussed their relative merits.


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Bill Rutiser discussed ideas for using strips of Coke cans or other commonly available items as an alternative to shims.


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The evening wound up with the usual one on one discussion. A few brave (crazy?) souls ajourned to a nearby diner tor even more late night chatter.

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