Chesapeake Area Metalworking Society

Review of 08 November 2008 Yard Sale and Picnic
The Steve Stallings Metal Reserve
10025 Old Colchester Road
Lorton, VA 22079

contributed by Charles Keeney

The CAMS yard sale returned to its original venue - The Steve Stallings' Metal Reserve - on Saturday, November 8, 2008. The Steve Stallings' Metal Reserve (SSMR), also affectionately known as Tarphenge*, is now located about 2 miles east of its previous location because of Steve's relocation to a larger venue. The event had been held at an alternate location the last several years, the Tuckahoe Steam and Gas Association in Easton, MD., while Steve was moving and getting settled in at the new location.

The event was rescheduled to November 8, 2008 from the original October 25, 2008 date due to rain. Even so, there was a gentle sprinkling of rain shortly after dawn on the 8th but it passed quickly and soon a warming sun appeared. About a dozen members set up tarps and tables to display wares for sale or trade beginning around 8:30 a.m. On sale were tools, tooling, stock, publications and bits and pieces and all types of miscellaneous items. Nouveau landed gentry and gentleman farmer Chris Daniels even brought to sell some farm-fresh eggs laid by his chickens.


CAMSALOT 2008 - Overlook1 - R1.jpg

Looking like a cross between Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome and Dawn Of The Dead, a sizable number of CAMMERS and the public in general descended on SSMR with sellers putting out their wares while "jonesing" buyers looked for their next metal fix. Actually the day was a glorious one and the photographs shown here don't approach showing the true magnificence of the day.


CAMSALOT 2008 - Sir Robert - R1.jpg

Sir Robert Vogel, wearing hat, discusses some of life's finer things as Rich Kuzmack, wearing yellow CAMS cap, and another gent listen in and consider book titles.


CAMSALOT 2008 - Roy & Alan - R1.jpg

Roy Schaffer lounges in the sun while Alan Weber examines what others have brought to sell.


CAMSALOT 2008 - Dave Bluett - R1.jpg

Bronzed scuba diver and purveyor of all things metal and plastic, Dave Bluett with the able assistance of Akue, did a brisk business in aluminum, copper and stainless stock and in tooling including micro-drills.


CAMSALOT 2008 - John Stapko, Jr - Almost Starting - R1.jpg

John Stapko, Jr., moments before pulling the chain saw into life in an air of two-cycle exhaust.


CAMSALOT 2008 - Alan Weber's Tables - R1.jpg

Alan Weber won the award for having the greatest assemblage of stock, tools and tooling. He brought a packed truck and had many tables filled with tools and tooling. John Stapko, Sr. surveys the contents of one box.


CAMSALOT 2008 - Alan's Gatelift of Tooling - R1.jpg

A turret tool holder, 3-jaw and 4-jaw chucks, and vises of all types were only some of Alan's offerings.


CAMSALOT 2008 - Alan's Basket of Plastic & Gear Cutters - R1.jpg

Alan also had a box of plastic stock and a crate of gear cutters.


CAMSALOT 2008 - Charlie Cerruti's Tarp - R1.jpg

Charlie Cerruti, with blue cap, his brother, Brian, at right, and assistant, Javier, holding bumper down, had several tarps full of items including a very nice radius turning attachment, and many other items that were quickly snatched up by appreciating buyers.


CAMSALOT 2008 - Chris Daniel & Rich Kuzmack - R1.jpg

Chris Daniel discusses item with unidentified CAMS member while Rich Kuzmack, still in yellow cap, considers a tapping head on one of Chris' tables. All of Chris' eggs noted above were long gone by this time.


CAMSALOT 2008 - Eric Helgesen - R1.jpg

Eric Helgesen prepares to man the table.


CAMSALOT 2008 - Chris Daniel & Steve Stallings - R1.jpg

Host Steve Stallings ("X" marks the spot) considers something unseen while Chris Daniel speaks with an unidentified CAMS member.

As usual, nothing could pull the buyers and sellers away from the buying frenzy - except when the food call went out. Many brought wonderful dishes to complement the core dishes that Dave Bluett provided using the donations gathered at the CAMS meetings. Bob Segrest generously donated use of his grill and his talents as grill chef and turned out much appreciated hamburgers, bratwursts and franks. Dave Bluett and Ngoc served some flavorful chicken and Steve Stallings made a crock of his relished black-eyed peas.


CAMSALOT 2008 - Bob Segrest & Noc - R1.jpg

Grill Master Bob Segrest mans the grill while Ngoc assists and prepares to replenish the chicken platter.


CAMSALOT 2008 - Lunch, Looking Eastward - R1.jpg

When the chow call went out, CAMMERS promptly responded. The weather was perfect for a great lunch.


CAMSALOT 2008 - Ben & Tex Rubinowitz - R1.jpg

Ben and Tex Rubinowitz finish a leisurely lunch, reflecting on the morning's accomplishments and considering the afternoon ahead.


CAMSALOT 2008 - Lunch, Looking Westward - R1.jpg

CAMS members enjoy a good meal while basking in the sunlight and sharing knowledge.


CAMSALOT 2008 - Afternoon Overview - R1.jpg

No longer distracted by hunger, CAMMERS head back for more treasure hunting.

Many other CAMMERS and members of the general public came by during the event. Unfortunately the photographer was only able to capture photographs a few of the CAMMERS buying and selling that day. The event slowly faded around dusk.

* Least it be felt that too much fun is being poked at Steve on this account, it should be noted that a goodly number CAMMERS - including the editor - have of collections of "tarpstools" springing forth on their own lawns and driveways. So far none of the known 12 step programs have been helpful.

The editor requests that factual errors be brought to his attention.

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